Sound Designer-Generative AI Interactions: Towards Designing Creative Support Tools for Professional Sound Designers

Supplementary Webpage
1. Google Colaboratory Notebooks for our Interactive Creative Support Tools
In our study we sent the participants links to the interactive interfaces hosted on a single RTX 3090 GPU-enabled Shared Infrastructure Ubuntu machine running in our lab in Singapore. While we are unable to add the web-based interactive interfaces ruuning on that machine (due to shared GPU infrastructure, limited uptime, etc.,) to this webpage, we have added the Google Colaboratory Notebooks for each of the interfaces below. The GPU memory requirements for each interface is not very large and is approximately 2-3 GB which is well within the limits of the Google Colaboratory Notebooks.

  • Interface-1 (Domain Specific Controls): Link
  • Interface-2 (Technology Specific Controls): Link

If you prefer to run the interactive interfaces in a web-based environment (using Streamlit and ReactJs) on your own machine, you can download the code from the following links -- Follow the docker installation instructions in the file to run the interactive interfaces.
2. Participant Task Instructions
In section 4.2 of our manuscript, we outline the procedure for our experiments. The participants were sent the following webpage outlining the task instructions -- Task Instructions Webpage