Please see an example video of a fully completed task below.

Note that your task might have different number of samples to arrange and different audio samples associated with different colored thumbs.


Note: Please accept this HIT only if you are on a laptop/desktop with the most recent Chrome/Firefox browsers

Audio Ordering Task
In this task, you will listen to some sounds made by water filling a container. Please complete ALL steps below.
The aim of this task is to drag/arrange few audio samples between 2 reference samples, in the ascending order of the container's fill-level.
That is, the leftmost sample should have a lower fill-level than the rightmost sample.
The rest should be arranged in an ascending order between the two.
Please click on 'View Instructions' to see a completed example.
Mouse over/hover over the colored thumbs below to listen to each audio sample. Please listen to ALL of them.

The thumbs in black (ordered and numbered as 1 and 5) are reference audio samples.

Please drag/arrange the remaining thumbs in red, yellow, blue, in between the two references in the ascending order described above.
Adjust Ordering Step: Please click the button below to listen to the arrangement you created.
Does the arrangement sound like the water is filling the container? If not, please redo from Step 1.
Click Here To Listen to the Arrangement To Verify Ordering

Please attempt this task only if you are on Firefox or Chrome.